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Maleny Catch-Up Cuppa

September 24 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Please see the attached Maleny CUC Flyer

DNSC Catch-Up Cuppa Maleny Tranquil 2025 Flyer

A social gathering for people diagnosed with dementia or a related disorder, like Parkinson’s or stroke, their family members, family carers, and paid support staff.  Post-carers are welcome.  Post-carers have placed loved ones in nursing homes or loved ones have passed on.

Participants can share information, support each other emotionally and have a laugh over a cuppa.

Morning tea. BYO (Buy your own).  $12.50 for cuppa and cake or scone.

At Tranquil Park, 483 Mountain View Road, Maleny.

Drive up to the beautiful ranges and see the magnificent view and walk along the deck.

Last Wednesday of the second month. 10 am.

No lunch offered there.  Some participants choose to lunch at anther venue afterwards.

Please let us know if you are coming as we can place an order for morning tea.

(The management opens the venue on this morning for our group only)

Lorrae 0418 298 183    carersoutlook@gmail.com


September 24
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:


Lorrae and Vince O’Rourke
0418 298 183


Tranquil Park
483 Mountain View Road
Maleny, QLD Australia
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